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Inner Force Centers Hosts State Senator Zellnor Myrie for Staff Development Day

At Inner Force Centers, we are dedicated to the growth and empowerment of our educators, families, and the community we serve. On our recent Staff Development Day, we were honored to welcome State Senator Zellnor Myrie from Brooklyn, NYC, as our guest speaker.

As a mayoral candidate, Senator Myrie delivered an inspiring and engaging presentation, encouraging educators to inform parents about the importance of voting. His discussion provided valuable insights into his stance on education policies and climate change, both of which have a significant impact on our Brooklyn community.

Senator Myrie also took time to answer questions from our educators, fostering an open dialogue about the future of education and sustainability in our city. His passion for change and commitment to community-driven leadership left a lasting impression on all who attended.

We encourage our families and supporters to stay informed and engaged in the democratic process. To learn more about Zellnor Myrie’s campaign and how you can support his vision for NYC, please visit

📸 Check out the gallery below!

#EmpoweringEducation #BrooklynVotes #InnerForceCenters #ZellnorMyrie2025

Daddy Bring Your Child To School

A Huge Thank You to All the Amazing Dads! 🙌

We want to give a special shoutout to all the wonderful dads, granddads, uncles, and father figures who came out and made “Dad Take Your Child to School Day” an unforgettable event! 📸

The love and pride you shared while walking your little ones into school, and the smiles you brought to their faces, were truly heartwarming. Thank you for posing for pictures and making lasting memories that we will cherish forever!

Your presence shows just how powerful the role of a father figure is in shaping our children’s futures. You are their heroes, and today you showed up like the superstars you are! 🌟

#innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter

Celebrating Our Incredible Pre-K 1 Graduates!

We were overjoyed to honor the amazing achievements of our Pre-K 1 Class of 2024! 🎉 On June 25th, 2024, we hosted a special photo booth event to mark this significant milestone. Friends and family gathered to capture cherished memories, striking poses, and snapping perfect graduation moments. Smiles and graduation caps were everywhere! 😁🎓

The day was unforgettable as we celebrated our graduates’ hard work and dedication. The festivities included lively performances, dancing, and joyful moments shared by parents and graduates. 🕺💃✨

Congratulations to our Pre-K 1 Class of 2024! We are so proud of you!

#innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter

Celebrating Our Incredible Pre-K 2 Graduates!

We were overjoyed to honor the amazing achievements of our Pre-K 2 Class of 2024! 🎉 On June 24th, 2024, we hosted a special photo booth event to mark this significant milestone. 📸 Friends and family came together to capture cherished memories, striking poses, and snapping perfect graduation moments. Smiles and graduation caps were everywhere! 😁🎓

The day was unforgettable as we celebrated our graduates’ hard work and dedication. The festivities included lively performances, dancing, and joyful moments shared by parents and graduates. 🕺💃✨

Congratulations to our Pre-K 2 Class of 2024! We are so proud of you!

#innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter

Honoring Our Remarkable Inner Force Kids Little Tots 1 Class of 2024!

Honoring Our Remarkable Inner Force Kids Graduates! 🎓✨

We were thrilled to celebrate the incredible achievements of the Little Tots 1 Class of 2024! 🎉 On June 20th, 2024, we held a special photo booth event to commemorate this significant milestone. 📸 Friends and family captured cherished memories and struck poses in our photo booth, snapping those perfect graduation moments. Smiles and graduation caps were abundant! 😁🎓

The day was unforgettable as we celebrated our amazing graduates’ hard work and dedication. The celebration featured performances, dancing, and joyful moments shared by parents and graduates alike. 🕺💃✨

Congratulations to our Little Tots 1 Class of 2024! We are so proud of you!

innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter

Honoring Our Remarkable Inner Force Kids Graduates!

We were thrilled to celebrate the incredible achievements of the Little Tots 2 Class of 2024! 🎉 On June 18th, 2024, we held a special photo booth event to commemorate this significant milestone. 📸 Friends and family captured cherished memories and struck poses in our photo booth, snapping those perfect graduation moments. Smiles and graduation caps were abundant! 😁🎓

The day was unforgettable as we celebrated our amazing graduates’ hard work and dedication. The celebration featured performances, dancing, and joyful moments shared by parents and graduates alike. 🕺💃✨

Congratulations to our Little Tots 2 Class of 2024! We are so proud of you!

innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter

Toddlers Graduating Class of 2024!

Honoring Our Remarkable Inner Force Kids Graduates!

We were thrilled to celebrate the incredible achievements of the Toddlers Class of 2024! On June 17th, 2024, we held a special photo booth event to commemorate this significant milestone. Friends and family captured cherished memories and struck poses in our photo booth, snapping those perfect graduation moments. Smiles and graduation caps were abundant! The day was unforgettable as we celebrated our amazing graduates’ hard work and dedication. The celebration featured performances, dancing, and joyful moments shared by parents and graduates.

innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter

“Daddy Bring Your Child to School” Day at Inner Force Kids!

“Daddy Bring Your Child to School” Day at Inner Force Kids!

What a delightful day we had on Friday, September 22nd, 2023! “Inner Force Kids” was buzzing with excitement, laughter, and the heartwarming sight of fathers and their little ones hand in hand.

The day was a resounding testament to the beautiful bond between fathers and their children. The echoes of laughter and the shared experiences were genuinely heartwarming.

📸 For those who couldn’t make it or want to relive the magic, check out the pictures below! We promise, they’re full of smiles, love, and moments you won’t want to miss.

Thanks to all the wonderful fathers and kids who made the day unforgettable. Here’s to more fun-filled days at Inner Force Kids!

#InnerForceTots #WelcomeBack #DaycareDreams #innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter #nyclearningcenter #queenslearningcenters

Inner Force Kids Graduation 2023

Join Inner Force Daycare in celebrating our 2023 graduates through our exciting “Stepping Up Virtual Program”! We take immense pride in honoring these young achievers and would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our devoted parents for their unwavering support throughout the 2022-2023 school year. Let’s applaud our incredible graduating students for their remarkable accomplishments.#innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter #nyclearningcenter #queenslearningcenter

Pre-K 2

Pre-K 1

Lil' Tots 2

Lil' Tots 1

Wee Tots 1

Inner Force Kids Holiday Show 2022

Inner Force Centers wants to wish you a blessed Holiday, a virtual event for the holidays “Happy Holidays” a presentation brought to you by our children and teachers of Inner Force Kids. Enjoy our Christmas Presentation we do not own the rights to these Music/Sounds. #innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter #nyclearningcenter #queenslearningcenter