Inner Force is proud to Celebrate our 2022 graduates with our “Stepping Up Virtual Program”; we would like to thank our dedicated Parents for their commitment during our 2021-2022 school year. We would like to congratulate our graduating students.
Teachers Appreciation Day
Spirit Week
Spirit Week is Monday, April 12th through Friday, April 16th, 2021. We are asking our children to celebrate with us: MONDAY – Crazy Hat Day•TUESDAY – Sports/College Day •WEDNESDAY – Wacky Tacky Day • THURSDAY – Costume Day • FRIDAY – Pajama Day #innerforce #brooklyn #babylove #childbirth #bhfyp #3kforall #deptofeducation #innerforcetots #bestdaycarein11212 #bestdaycarein11203 #bestdaycarein11414 #childcare #afterschool #summerprogram #allaboutthekids #allforthekids #brooklynchildcare #queenschildcare #brooklyndaycare #queensdaycare #childcarecenter #daycare #learningcenter #brooklynlearningcenter #nyclearningcenter #queenslearningcenter
Crazy Hat day
Culture Day
Culture Day at Inner Force Tots