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Daycare Program

One month – 1 year

Our Infant program is for children aged one month through 1 year. We promote an atmosphere that strengthens their fine motor, creativity, musical and sensory skills. Our children learn through play and exploration. Infants spend time exploring independently, with staff, and through group activities. INNER FORCE TOTS provides baby food and whole milk, but parents may also supply the center with formula or breast milk in labeled bottles for your infant. All of our children are provided with a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack each day. Each infant follows their own feeding schedule and transitions to a scheduled dining time once past the age of one year.
During nap times, our staff make routine visual checks of the children and follows our Sleep Policy to maintain safe resting each time they sleep. Cribs are provided for each infant by Inner Force Tots. Parents provide bedding, diapers, diapering creams, and baby wipes. Your child’s naps, meals, diaper changes, interests, activities, and other observations are also documented every day on the chart. Communication with our parents is essential for the care of our infants. If any additional instructions for the day are required parents are asked to provide that information on the daily infant chart as well as if there is anything that was noteworthy about their child’s night. 
Infant groups are unique in all Early Childhood Education groups. Infants develop and, and we must adapt to an infant’s developmental needs quickly.

Our teachers possess precise knowledge of:

  • How infants develop along a continuum
  • Health and Safety best practices
  • So how best to communicate with parents about their growing child

 It is our philosophy that providing adequate care for an infant goes beyond addressing physical needs. Our goal is to provide an environment that is nurturing and intellectually stimulating to the infants in our care. All our infants engage in daily activities that promote motor skills and cognitive development.
Our infant classes engage in daily routines that help young infants feel secure with their environments. Our infant schedules address each infant’s physical and developmental needs. We allow adequate tie for infants to engage routines such as:

  • Hellos and goodbyes
  • Diapering and toileting
  • Eating and mealtimes
  • Sleeping and nap-time
  • Dressing

Other Available Programs


7:00-8:00 AMCenter Opens
Complementary drop-off services for families who require early morning childcare.
8:00-8:45AMArrival (45 Minutes)
Wash hands (upon entering)
Breakfast, Attendance, choice of books, puzzles, or manipulative (choice time)
9:00 – 9:15AMCircle Time/Large Group Activities (15 Minute)
Greetings, Morning message, weather, introductions/Review question of the day, Introduce Vocabulary, Shares Reading
9:15 – 9:30AMMusic & Movement (15 minutes) Songs, finger plays and nursery rhymes
9:30 -10:30AMCenter Time/Choice Time/ Small Group (60 minutes) Theme related activities in centers [i.e Dramatic Play. Blocks, reading, Listening, Manipulative, Discovery, art, sand and water, games]
10:30 – 10:45AMWash Hands, Water Break, Restroom / Diapering, Transition to gross motor Play Activities (15 minutes)
10:45 – 11:15AMOutdoor/Indoor Gross Motor Play (30 Minutes)
Gross Motor activity, water break, restroom, wash hands, Transition to lunch
11:15 – 12:00AM-PMLunch, wash hands, wash hands and tooth brushing (45 minutes)
12:00 – 2:00PMNaptime (2 Hours)
2:00 – 2:40PMSnack, restroom/diapering, wash hands, water break, (60 minutes)
2:40 -3:40PMCenter time/Indoor Gross Motor Play (60 Minutes)
Theme related activities in centers in centers [i.e. Dramatic play, blocks, reading, listening, manipulative, math, discovery, art, sand and water, fine motor]
3:40 – 4:40PMOutdoor/Indoor Gross Motor Play (60 Minutes)
4:40 – 5:00PMRead-Aloud (20 Minutes)
5:00 – 6:00PMMusic & Movement (60 Minutes)
Songs, Finger plays, and Nursery Rhymes [diapering and restroom/transition to depart]
6:00PMCenter Closed
March 2025

Upcoming Events
