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1yr – 2yrs
Our toddler program is for children aged 12 to 24 months. By focusing on the importance of their growing mobility, our program supports the children in exploring and understanding more of the world around them. Activities are planned to provide children with experiences in physical activity, music, movement, art, sensory experiences, science, and nature. There are opportunities for dress-up, role play, and climbing. Toddlers choose the activities that interest them and spend time playing independently as well as in groups. Toddlers spend two hours each day engaged in physical activities. We provide cots for afternoon naps, as well as a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack. For our toddler group parents provide the bedding, diapers & diapering creams and baby wipes. Your child’s naps, meals, diaper changes, interests, activities and other observations are documented every day on a daily toddler chart that is given at pick up.
Inner force’s Toddler and Two programs utilize our Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos as the foundation of teaching pedagogy. Our central philosophy on education is that learning is a process and children learn best by actively engaging with their environment.
Our program focuses on creating a rich learning environment by stimulating children with hands-on activities, our program includes access to on-site music, dance, and physical fitness.
In addition to our on-site educational experiences, we provide children in our program with opportunities to link in-class learning activities to their community. Your child will participate in community outings which include trips to the zoo, aquarium, and local farm.
We believe in preparing every child for college and are putting forth every effort to close the achievement gap. In conjunction with New York City College of Technology, we are ensuring that every child gets a chance to be college-educated, and we have chosen to invest in the future of all our students.
Our program is equipped with staff and amenities to help your infant feel safe and secure. All infant rooms have breastfeeding stations for nursing mothers.No posts found.